Tidbits Kate (@katelovesbooks_ on TikTok) Tidbits Kate (@katelovesbooks_ on TikTok)

Fanfic: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)

What is fanfic?

Fanfiction is fictional work based on existing characters and settings. It’s written by fans in an amateur capacity and is posted episodically like a modern-day Dickens serial—or as a one-shot—to sites like Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, or Archive of Our Own. 

Inspiration could be a popular book series or tv show, anime, video game – the possibilities are as endless and unhinged as the human imagination. Which is to say: very. 

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Tropes Sydney Bolen Tropes Sydney Bolen

Tropes: The Love Triangle

Since the dawn of time (my teenage years), there is one trope that can be counted on to generate buzz among passionate people. (I was going to say young adults here, but I found that to be exclusive of people like me who are very opinionated and often convinced they are correct.) The love triangle will always be a tried and true classic of the romance genre.

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Tidbits Geneva Willis Tidbits Geneva Willis

Percy Jackson and The Key To A Great Adaptation

In the first episode of Disney+'s new television show Percy Jackson and The Olympians, Sally Jackson imparts to our titular hero, “Not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero, and not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster.” I had already been anticipating this adaptation for months, but that was the moment I knew I was going to love it. Neither the scene where Sally takes Percy to see his namesake’s statue at The Met nor that thematically on-point quote are in books, but (and I will fight Rick Riordan on this) both feel like they should have been. And that’s exactly what a good adaptation should do.

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Archetypes Sydney Bolen Archetypes Sydney Bolen

The FMC Archetypes: The Nerd

It's been a while since we explored one of the eight classic FMC archetypes. With a new Mean Girls movie hitting theaters across the globe, we figured it was a fitting time to shine a spotlight on The Nerd. After all, would "mean girls” even exist without them?

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Quick Tips Amy Hart Quick Tips Amy Hart

Quick Tips: Tis the Season To Indulge in Holiday Festivities

It’s December and you know what that means – seasonal drink menu debuts at coffee shops, floods of out-of-office emails, and radio stations playing Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” on repeat. It’s officially the holiday season, and this year, we plan on soaking up every bit of magic, joy, and celebration we can. Today’s quick tip is to find ways, big and small, to get into the holiday spirit and make the most of this special season.

The holidays hold something enjoyable for every interest. There are endless baking recipes to experiment with, outdoor sports to try, opportunities to volunteer, and Hallmark Christmas movies to curl up and watch. If you’re looking for inspiration, keep reading for our ideas on how to usher in some holiday cheer.

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Tropes Sydney Bolen Tropes Sydney Bolen

Tropes: Grumpy / Sunshine

Opposites attract. While the previous sentence may not be true for all human beings, the phenomenon happened often enough for the saying to become a cliche. It still pops up in romantic comedies from time to time, usually in the form of a loving jibe or tell-tell remark from a quirky or mysterious supporting character. These days, it is more often implied than said aloud. Many different pairings illustrate this trope, but the most common and beloved is a couple we have come to define as grumpy/sunshine.

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Quick Tips Sydney Bolen Quick Tips Sydney Bolen

Quick Tips: The Hot Girl Walk

There isn't a lot from the months and months of COVID-19 lockdown that I find myself missing, but there are a few things that were born during that era of my life that I still very much enjoy. One such practice is the "Hot Girl Walk." The colorful terminology for what is just a walk around your neighborhood was coined on TikTok and popularized during the pandemic when there wasn't much else to do outside of your home but get some socially distanced outdoor exercise. As the restrictions were lifted, people's daily jaunts evolved from ways to kill time into how they chose to travel between local errands, such as coffee runs or running out to buy a missing but necessary ingredient at the grocery store. Today, I find they are a great way to clear your head and re-center yourself as the main character from within the chaos of life.

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Tidbits Alani Vargas Tidbits Alani Vargas

An Ode to The Haunting of Hill House’s Bent-Neck Lady

Recently, I was asked, “What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?” Being a massive horror film fan—living for the thrill of a good scary movie in a darkened room, hoping that I’m unable to guess who the killer is so that I can fully enjoy the final act of the movie and their reveal—it was hard for me to think up a film that really scared me. Hulu’s No One Will Save You was probably the closest I’ve been to “on the edge of my seat” in the longest time, but it was a fun watch overall and left me with many thoughts and comparisons to Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s episode “Hush” (also pretty disturbing). So I wracked my brain: “What is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen?”

It hit me that the most truthful answer is probably Poltergeist, but only because I watched it when I was in 6th grade. I also have an irrational fear of clowns (which I thought I was free of when sitting down to watch the horror classic, but I guess you’re never really safe from clowns, are you?). I had to sleep in my mom’s bed for days after that. But I really wanted to share something I’d watched as an adult. And then I realized that the scariest or most disturbing thing I’d seen in the last decade was probably from The Haunting of Hill House.

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Archetypes Sydney Bolen Archetypes Sydney Bolen

The FMC Archetypes: The Warrior

With Halloween quickly approaching, there is an archetype that must be discussed: The Warrior. The Warrior is easy to spot in media, especially in October, as she is essential to any good horror film. If you are a fan of the genre, you might know her as 'The Final Girl.'

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Tropes Sydney Bolen Tropes Sydney Bolen

Tropes: Friends-To-Lovers

Romantic tropes exist on a realism scale that varies by individual. While we may love a particular scenario with all our heart, we know we will never fall for it in the real world. For instance, the closest my soul, mind and overall attitude will ever allow me to come to an enemies-to-lovers arc is eating my words concerning fictional men as they develop over multiple television show seasons (Hello, Jamie Tartt). Because, as my friend Geneva so gracefully put it, once I decide I hate a man, that door is closed, bolted, and barred, never to be opened again. However, one trope in particular is universally regarded as one of the most realistic: the antithesis of the beloved E-T-L, Friends-To-Lovers.

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Quick Tips Amy Hart Quick Tips Amy Hart

Quick Tips: Treat Yo Self, Date Yo Self

You’re curled up in bed at 1 a.m. again, re-reading your favorite Emily Henry novel and getting swept away by the main characters’ romance. All their flirty banter. The electric chemistry. The date that’s absolutely, totally not a date, according to the characters. The misunderstanding that leads to a knock-down, drag-out fight (and make up). The slow burn and big declaration of love. Your head and heart are swimming in romantic themes.

We know all too well how engrossing a good romantic storyline can be and how we can walk away with a new appreciation for love, and at The FMC, we believe that love should extend to ourselves. One of the best ways to bring a little more love into your life? Take yourself out on a solo date.

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Archetypes Sydney Bolen Archetypes Sydney Bolen

The FMC Archetypes: The Femme Fatale

A hot minute has passed since I dove into one of the eight FMC archetypes. Previously, I covered the kind, caring and charismatic Girl Next Door. Next, I will focus on a character who usually serves as her antithesis. In direct contrast to the "desirable" traits of the GND, the Femme Fatale's overt self-confidence and resolve made it easy for her to be branded a story's villain.

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Quick Tips Sydney Bolen Quick Tips Sydney Bolen

Quick Tips: Gather Your Girlfriends

Here at The FMC, we love 'love.' We adore a good sworn-worthy romance that ends in a classic foot-popping kiss. But, if you were to ask us what our favorite kind of love is, we would have to tell you that platonic love is the adoration of choice. Friendship holds within itself and fosters a special kind of magic. Any good romance feels empty without it. What good is meeting a leading man if the FMC does not have at least one best friend to fawn over him with? Half of the giddy feeling that accompanies falling in love is partly due to the oft-dramatic retellings shared over a bottle of rosé.

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Tropes Sydney Bolen Tropes Sydney Bolen

Tropes: Only One Bed

If you consume romantic media in any way, shape or form, you are likely familiar with the tropes often found within it. Those specific plot devices, scenarios or settings that an audience encounters again and again and yet somehow of which they never grow tired. Every viewer has their favorite, the one that makes them instantly swoon, hold their breath in anticipation or wipe tears from their eyes. Some of the more experienced consumers even have tropes with which they outright refuse to engage. Who can blame them? With instances as commonplace as these, it is easy to be burned.

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Archetypes Sydney Bolen Archetypes Sydney Bolen

The FMC Archetypes: The Girl Next Door

I know the millennials reading this (and perhaps those in Gen Z as well since Buzzfeed still seems to be thriving) are no strangers to personality tests. Many we took were sanctioned by our schools or current employers, giving us brief identifiers that summarized our personalities and allowed us to be grouped with like-minded or counter-thinking individuals. I, for instance, am an ENFJ or a 3x2 enneagram type. Others were less official. They consisted of the many "Which character are you?" quizzes found in Tigerbeat, J-14, and Cosmogirl or hosted on websites such as Quizilla, Playbuzz or, later in the game, Buzzfeed, as previously mentioned. Growing up, if I liked a TV show or book, I carved outside validation to prove I was most similar to the character I liked best. In some ways, I still do. But, as an adult, I'm much better at relating my strengths and weaknesses to the fictional women in my life and owning the result, even if it's not entirely complimentary.

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Quick Tips Sydney Bolen Quick Tips Sydney Bolen

Quick Tips: Pamper Yourself

So, you followed Miley’s advice. You went to the store, bought some flowers and put them in a vase. Your living space is now adorned with perfumed petals. Yet, you still aren’t feeling like the witty award-winning sitcom lead that you know you’re meant to be. What can you do next, or, if you don’t have a green thumb, instead? The FMC has got you covered. Today’s quick tip will illustrate a different way to capture that cinematic, larger-than-life, take-on-the-world feeling. We see it as a bonus that this suggestion is often perfectly sequenced to an upbeat pop song but don’t worry. Headphones are optional.

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Tidbits Sydney Bolen Tidbits Sydney Bolen

The Main Character-ication of Gwen Stacy

It is no secret to those who know how much I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But, I can catch those of you that don’t up with the following sentence: I once took part in a three-day franchise marathon hosted by the El Capitan Theatre so that I could watch Avenger’s Endgame a few hours before everyone else. It’s that intense of a relationship. Yet, my appreciation for all superheroes is rooted in an undying love for one in particular.

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Quick Tips Sydney Bolen Quick Tips Sydney Bolen

Quick Tips: Flowers

The weather is warming. The sun is often out. Spring is fully upon us. Right now, one of the most enjoyable ways to claim your main character energy is to take Miley Cyrus’ advice: buy yourself flowers. Not only, do they instantly brighten any room, but a colorful collection of petals adds a level of “put-togetherness”—real or mere illusion—to any space. Flowers are also highly customizable. You can purchase ready made bouquets at a variety of price points or create a personal display that fits your space exactly the way you’d like.

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