The FMC Spotlight Sydney Bolen The FMC Spotlight Sydney Bolen

The FMC Spotlight: Sabrina Grimaldi

Sabrina Grimaldi always knew she loved words. Since she was little, her free time has been spent reading and writing. At 24 years of age, not much has changed. She just gets paid for it now. With a journalism degree and a few years of freelance writing under her belt, Sabrina now proudly boasts the dual title of Creator and Editor-In-Chief of The Zillenial Zine, an online and print magazine that focuses on the online trends that appeal to Millenials, Gen-Z and those who identify as "cusps" on the generational divide. With the help of interns around The United States, The Zillenial posts daily articles about fitness, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and anything else that the world at large has deemed in vogue.

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