From Sidekick to Superheroine: Channeling the Leading Lady

Joanna Nenczyn is an immigrant from Poland with a passion for storytelling who recently embarked on (yet another) transformative journey of self-discovery. (Aren’t we all in a constant state of magical metamorphosis?) Through her tale, she reminds us that even in the darkest of times when it seems the utmost impossible, we possess the power to shine brightly.


In the grand theater of life, we often find ourselves cast in supporting roles, tirelessly propping up the brilliance of others while our own light flickers in the background. It's a familiar narrative, one many of us can relate to all too well, including yours truly. But as I journeyed through my own story, I recently came to a dawning, yet inherently terrifying realization: it's time to rewrite the script and step boldly into the role of the Female Main Character that has always been within each of us.

Over the past year, I've traversed a winding road, navigating through multiple job changes and unexpected health challenges. I severely herniated a lumbar disc and suddenly found myself bedridden for six months and counting, a far cry from where I expected to be at 32. (Psst, Taekwondo, you owe me a spine! “That’s what I get for trying new things as an adult,” I’d thought.)

Each twist and turn brought its own set of trials and tribulations, leaving me feeling adrift and searching for purpose. It was all a humbling experience, to say the least, and one that forced me to confront my own limitations and reevaluate my priorities.

As I grappled with professional uncertainty and battled through physical setbacks, I was forced to face a lifelong obstacle—mental health. Hailing from a culture where discussing mental well-being is often taboo, it was very difficult to take those reins and finally steer myself in the right direction, but I swallowed judgement and found the courage to seek help and challenge my inner demons head-on. Ones that have haunted me for as long as I can remember. Ones that veered their ugly faces due to my circumstances, when I had refused to look their way for years and just dealt with the consequences. It was a pivotal moment that set me on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Amidst the chaos and another tumble down the dark well of depression, I discovered a reservoir of strength and resilience waiting to be unleashed. It also turned obstacle to opportunity in a way for me to resurface timeworn spirituality, finding solace as I navigated through storms.

During those quiet moments of reflection seeded in the somber days confined to my bed, I unearthed a long-neglected passion: writing. With the support of loved ones who’ve always believed in my gift, I embraced my calling and re-embarked on a journey of creative expression that I hadn’t made space or time for in over a decade. Armed with a laptop and an unwavering determination, I held my breath and took a leap into faith and into the world of storytelling.

Now, don’t get me wrong, the road has been paved, but it’s been anything but smooth (I’m guessing they used that quick-fix concrete that fills holes but makes them twice as big within the span of a month of regular use.) There have been setbacks, mental blocks, and more than a few moments of self-doubt. Yet, with each hurdle, I grow stronger, more resilient. I've never felt more in control of my own destiny. And there, in the thick of it all, hide valuable lessons.

Firstly, don’t let anyone define “success” or “happiness” to you, only you hold that narrative. What you find to be joyous, interesting, or heroic will never exactly match anyone else’s portrayal, so why have their opinion matter and allow it to influence you in the first place? Embracing your individuality and charting your own path means stepping out of the shadows of societal expectations and embracing the full spectrum of who you are. Don't let the noise of the world drown out the whispers of your heart. Dare to embrace your uniqueness and celebrate your strengths. In doing so, you not only redefine “success” and “happiness” on your own terms, but also inspire others to do the same.

Secondly, don't let fear hold you back. Kick that inner Sidekick to the curb and embrace your inner Superheroine, your Leading Lady energy, and step boldly into your spotlight. Do what you want to do, whether you’re a pro at it or not, who cares. Pick up that kookie hobby, apply for that dream job, chat up that hot tamale. Even when life's challenges threaten to knock you down, if they’re shoving you to the ground even now, remember: you possess an innate power, a resilience that knows no bounds, as much as anyone else does. Dust off that Female Main Character cape and embrace that power within you. Let your light shine bright. We are all capable of achieving greatness, even in the face of adversity.

So, to all the women out there who may be facing their own trials and tribulations, I offer you this: you are not alone, we’ve all been right there with you; incomparably, of course, but in one way or another. Your journey is uniquely yours, and each obstacle is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Trust in your inner strength and know that you are capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way. But—and this is probably most important—never hesitate to seek or ask for help when it's needed. It’s engrained in all Female Main Characters that superheroines are meant to accomplish anything, but how many famous heroines do you know that don’t eventually tag on some kind of reinforcements? (You guessed it—none.) Whether it's leaning on friends, family, or seeking professional support, there is strength in vulnerability. Together, we can rewrite our stories, redefine our destinies, and embrace the extraordinary journey that lies ahead.

It's easy to forget in the blinding dust of daily life, so I’m here to help us all remember: every setback is merely a setup for a comeback. Embrace the challenges, for they are the stepping stones to your greatness. Now, this is a little off beat, but I’d like you to pause here to take a moment to yourself and bring awareness to your breath while considering all of the above.

Feel that? That’s the Leading Lady’s interlude before she takes names and kicks ass.

I’m talking about you, firecracker! Stand tall and embrace your possibilities and individuality. With unwavering determination and boundless courage, march forward and claim the spotlight that is rightfully yours. Each day brings a new quest that allows you to make the decision of being someone’s Sidekick, or your own Female Main Character.

The most heroic journey is the one that leads us back to ourselves.

The world awaits your brilliance.


The In Between


The Heart Of A Story: A Discussion with writer Victoria Male